Easy RFQ & Fast Quoting Service


Article 1 (Purpose)

These terms and conditions are intended to define the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of the cyber site and its users when using the internet-related services (hereinafter referred to as "Services") provided by Partsgo (an e-commerce operator) on the Partsgo website (hereinafter referred to as "Site").

※ These terms and conditions also apply to electronic transactions using PC communications, wireless networks, etc., as long as they do not conflict with their nature.

Article 2 (Definitions)

① "Site" refers to the virtual business place set up by Partsgo to enable transactions of goods or services (hereinafter referred to as "Goods, etc.") with users through information and communication equipment such as computers. It also refers to the operator of the cyber site.

② "User" refers to both members and non-members who access the "Site" and use the services provided by the "Site" in accordance with these terms and conditions.

③ "Member" refers to a person who has registered as a member on the "Site" and is able to continuously use the services provided by the "Site."

④ "Non-member" refers to a person who uses the services provided by the "Site" without registering as a member.

Article 3 (Display, Explanation, and Amendment of Terms and Conditions)

① The "Site" displays the contents of these terms and conditions, including the name of the business, representative's name, business address (including the address for handling consumer complaints), telephone number, fax number, email address, business registration number, e-commerce registration number, and the personal information manager, on the initial service screen of the Site so that users can easily access them. However, the terms and conditions can be made available via a linked screen if necessary.

② Before users agree to the terms and conditions, the "Site" must provide a separate link or pop-up screen for users to understand important details, such as withdrawal of offers, responsibility for delivery, and refund conditions.

③ The "Site" may amend these terms and conditions to the extent that it does not violate the laws related to consumer protection in electronic commerce, the regulation of terms and conditions, the Basic Act on Electronic Documents and Electronic Transactions, the Electronic Financial Transactions Act, the Electronic Signatures Act, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, the Act on Door-to-Door Sales, and the Basic Consumer Act.

④ When the "Site" revises the terms and conditions, it will specify the effective date and reason for the amendment and notify users by posting the current and amended terms on the initial screen of the Site from at least 7 days before the effective date until the day before. However, if the changes are disadvantageous to users, the "Site" will provide at least a 30-day prior notice period. In this case, the "Site" will clearly compare the previous and revised terms for users to easily understand.

⑤ If the "Site" revises the terms and conditions, the revised terms will only apply to contracts concluded after the effective date. Contracts concluded before that will continue to be governed by the previous terms, unless a user sends a request to the "Site" to apply the revised terms during the notice period mentioned in Paragraph 3 and the "Site" agrees.

⑥ Matters not specified in these terms and conditions and the interpretation of these terms will be governed by the laws related to consumer protection in electronic commerce, the regulation of terms and conditions, guidelines on consumer protection in electronic commerce set by the Fair Trade Commission, and relevant laws or customary practices.

Article 4 (Provision and Modification of Services)

① The "Site" performs the following tasks:

1. Providing information on goods or services and facilitating purchase contracts

2. Delivering goods or services for which a purchase contract has been concluded

3. Other tasks determined by the "Site"

② The "Site" may modify the content of goods or services provided under a future contract in the event of a shortage or technical specification changes. In such cases, the "Site" will immediately post the modified content and the date of provision at the location where the current goods or services are displayed.

③ If the "Site" changes the content of the services agreed upon due to the shortage of goods or changes in technical specifications, the "Site" will immediately notify the user at an address where the user can be reached.

④ In such cases, the "Site" will compensate users for any damages caused. However, the "Site" will not be liable if it can prove that there was no intention or negligence.

Article 5 (Service Interruption)

① The "Site" may temporarily suspend the provision of services in the event of maintenance, replacement, malfunction of computer or communication equipment, or communication disruptions.

② The "Site" will compensate users or third parties for damages caused by the temporary suspension of services as described in Paragraph 1. However, the "Site" will not be liable if it can prove that there was no intention or negligence.

③ If the "Site" is unable to provide services due to changes in business categories, cessation of business, or mergers between companies, the "Site" will notify users in accordance with Article 8 and compensate consumers according to the conditions originally presented by the "Site." However, if the "Site" has not informed users of compensation standards, users will be able to use mileage or points within a designated period set by the "Site."

Article 6 (Membership Registration)

① Users apply for membership by filling out the member information according to the registration form provided by the "Site" and indicating their agreement to these terms and conditions.

② The "Site" will register users who have applied for membership as described in Paragraph 1, unless they fall under any of the following:

1. If the applicant has previously lost their membership status under Article 7(3) of these terms and conditions. However, exceptions are made if the applicant has been reinstated as a member by the "Site" after three years from the loss of membership under Article 7(3).

2. If there are false, missing, or incorrect details in the registration information.

3. If registering as a member is determined to cause significant technical difficulties for the "Site."

③ The membership contract is considered established when the "Site" accepts the membership application and the acceptance reaches the member.

④ If there are changes to the information registered during membership, the member must notify the "Site" of such changes by updating their information within a reasonable period.

Article 7 (Membership Withdrawal and Loss of Qualifications)

① Members may request to withdraw from the "Site" at any time, and the "Site" will immediately process the membership withdrawal.

② If a member falls under any of the following reasons, the "Site" may restrict or suspend their membership:

1. If the member registered false information during the membership application process.

2. If the member fails to pay for goods or services purchased on the "Site" or any other debts related to the use of the "Site" by the due date.

3. If the member interferes with others' use of the "Site" or steals information, thereby disrupting the order of electronic commerce.

4. If the member uses the "Site" to engage in activities prohibited by laws or these terms, or acts against public order and good morals.

③ If the same conduct is repeated more than twice or the reason for restriction or suspension is not corrected within 30 days after the membership is restricted or suspended, the "Site" may revoke the membership.

④ If the "Site" revokes a member's qualification, the member's registration will be deleted. In this case, the "Site" will notify the member and provide at least 30 days for the member to explain their position before the deletion.

Article 8 (Notification to Members)

① When the "Site" provides a notice to a member, it can be sent to the email address designated by the member in advance through an agreement with the "Site."

② For notifications to an unspecified number of members, the "Site" may substitute individual notifications by posting the notice on the "Site" bulletin board for at least one week. However, for matters that significantly affect the member's own transactions, the "Site" will provide individual notifications.

Article 9 (Purchase Application and Consent to Provide Personal Information)

① Users of the "Site" may apply for purchases through the following or similar methods, and the "Site" must clearly provide the following information to users when applying for a purchase.

1. Search and selection of goods, etc.

2. Entry of the recipient's name, address, phone number, email address (or mobile phone number), etc.

3. Confirmation of terms and conditions, restrictions on the right to withdraw offers, delivery fees, installation fees, and other related costs

4. Indication of agreement to these terms and confirmation or rejection of the items in Paragraph 3 (e.g., by clicking a checkbox)

5. Confirmation of the purchase application for goods, etc., and consent to the "Site's" confirmation

6. Selection of payment method

② If the "Site" needs to provide a buyer's personal information to a third party, it must inform the buyer of the following and obtain consent: 1) the recipient of the personal information, 2) the purpose of use by the recipient, 3) the items of personal information to be provided, and 4) the retention and usage period of the personal information by the recipient. (This applies to any changes in the consented items as well.)

③ If the "Site" outsources the handling of a buyer's personal information to a third party, it must inform the buyer of 1) the recipient of the outsourcing and 2) the purpose of the outsourced task and obtain consent. (This also applies to any changes in the consented items.) However, if the outsourcing is necessary for service provision or for the buyer's convenience, the "Site" may notify through its privacy policy in accordance with the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection without going through individual notification or consent procedures.

Article 10 (Formation of Contract)

① The "Site" may refuse to accept a purchase application as described in Article 9 if it falls under any of the following categories. However, when entering into a contract with a minor, the "Site" must notify that if the legal guardian's consent is not obtained, the minor or their legal guardian may cancel the contract:

1. If the application contains false information, omissions, or errors.

2. If a minor attempts to purchase goods or services prohibited by the Juvenile Protection Act, such as tobacco or alcohol.

3. If accepting the purchase application is determined to cause significant technical difficulties for the "Site."

② The contract is considered to be established when the "Site's" acceptance reaches the user in the form of an acknowledgment of receipt as described in Article 12(1).

③ The "Site's" acceptance must include confirmation of the user's purchase application, availability of the goods, and information on correcting or canceling the purchase application.

Article 11 (Payment Methods)

The payment methods for goods or services purchased on the "Site" may be made using one of the following methods. The "Site" cannot charge any additional fees for the payment method selected by the user.

1. Various account transfers such as phone banking, internet banking, or mail banking

2. Payments via prepaid cards, debit cards, credit cards, etc.

3. Online bank transfers

4. Payments using electronic money

5. Cash on delivery

6. Payments using points or mileage provided by the "Site"

7. Payments using gift certificates issued by or recognized by the "Site"

8. Other electronic payment methods

Article 12 (Acknowledgment of Receipt, Modification, and Cancellation of Purchase Application)

① When the "Site" receives a purchase application from a user, it will send an acknowledgment of receipt to the user.

② Upon receiving the acknowledgment, the user may request a modification or cancellation of the purchase application if there are any discrepancies in their intent. If the request is made before shipment, the "Site" must process the request without delay. However, if the payment has already been made, the regulations on withdrawal of offers as outlined in Article 15 apply.

Article 13 (Supply of Goods, etc.)

① Unless otherwise agreed upon, the "Site" will take necessary measures such as custom production and packaging to deliver goods within 7 business days from the date the user submits the offer. If the "Site" has already received full or partial payment for the goods, it must take action within 3 business days from the date of receiving the payment. The "Site" must also take appropriate measures to allow users to check the status of the supply process.

② The "Site" must specify the delivery methods, the party responsible for delivery costs, and the delivery period for the goods purchased by the user. If the "Site" exceeds the agreed delivery period, it must compensate the user for any damages unless the "Site" proves there was no intention or negligence.

Article 14 (Refund)

If the "Site" is unable to deliver or provide the goods due to reasons such as a stock shortage, it must promptly notify the user of the reason. If the payment for the goods was already received, the "Site" must refund the payment within 3 business days or take necessary measures for the refund.

Article 15 (Withdrawal of Offer, etc.)

① Users who have entered into a purchase contract with the "Site" may withdraw their offer within 7 days of receiving the written agreement as specified in Article 13(2) of the Consumer Protection Act in Electronic Commerce. If the supply of goods was delayed, the withdrawal period begins when the goods are received or when the supply of the goods begins. However, if otherwise specified in the Consumer Protection Act in Electronic Commerce, the provisions of that law shall apply.

② Users may not return or exchange goods in the following cases:

1. If the goods are damaged or destroyed due to reasons attributable to the user (However, withdrawal of offer is allowed if the packaging was damaged to inspect the goods.)

2. If the value of the goods has significantly decreased due to use or partial consumption by the user.

3. If the value of the goods has significantly decreased due to the passage of time, making resale difficult.

4. If the goods are easily replicable and the original packaging of the goods has been damaged.

③ In cases where the restrictions on withdrawal mentioned in Paragraph 2(2) to (4) were not clearly indicated or sample goods were not provided by the "Site" beforehand, the user's withdrawal of offer is not restricted.

Article 16 (Effect of Withdrawal of Offer, etc.)

① When the "Site" receives returned goods from the user, it will refund the payment for the goods within 3 business days.

② In cases where the user paid for the goods using a credit card or electronic payment method, the "Site" will immediately request the business that provided the payment method to stop or cancel the payment claim.

③ The cost of returning the goods for withdrawal of offer will be borne by the user. However, if the goods were returned due to discrepancies between the actual product and its description or incorrect fulfillment of the contract, the "Site" will bear the return costs. The "Site" will not claim any penalties or damages for withdrawal of the offer.

④ If the user paid for shipping when receiving the goods, the "Site" must clearly indicate who is responsible for the shipping cost in the event of a withdrawal of the offer.

Article 17 (Personal Information Protection)

① The "Site" collects the minimum amount of personal information necessary to provide its services when collecting users' personal information.

② The "Site" does not pre-collect information required for the fulfillment of purchase contracts during membership registration. However, if identity verification is necessary to fulfill legal obligations before a purchase contract, the "Site" may collect the minimum amount of specific personal information.

③ When collecting and using users' personal information, the "Site" must inform users of the purpose and obtain their consent.

④ The "Site" may not use the collected personal information for purposes other than those initially intended. If a new purpose arises or the information is to be provided to a third party, the "Site" must notify the user of the new purpose and obtain their consent at the time of provision. However, exceptions may be made if otherwise specified by related laws.

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